Carpet Restore
It is frustrating when you buy an expensive rug or carpet, and it gets damaged due to some reason. Carpets make your floor looks beautiful that are used everywhere. Whether it is your home or your office, these rugs or carpets are equally important everywhere.
Imagine that your favorite piece of this floor covering is damaged due to water or any liquid {Coffee, Milk, etc.}. You need a professional approach to handle this situation because rubbing can cause this situation to get worse.
You are having a party at your place and your expensive rug is full of stains and dirty patches. You cannot take the risk of handling it yourself; hence you need our experienced team to restore your carpet.
The color of your carpet has dulled due to strong sunshine or it has lost its original dark colors, we are here with our qualified technicians to provide a solution for this problem as well.
Handmade oriental carpets and rugs are made of very fine materials. They need proper handling and care. Any treatment that your home carpet / home rug needs, we are here with our restoration services.
Your friends and relatives are visiting your place this weekend; the bad smell of your carpet will not be pleasing for anyone. Odor removal and pet stains are no worries now. Come to us and we will remove all bad smells and give it a new fresh look.
Our staff is fully equipped and trained for restoring all sort of damages. We understand that buying a new rug or carpet is not so easy, therefore, its maintenance is a better alternative. Carpets are not only decorative pieces, but also have sentimental value. A piece of rug which your ancestors had needs maintenance. We guarantee you that it will bring it to its original form and looks.
Either handmade or machine made, thick or thin, big or small, all carpets need maintenance after purchasing. This is important because if you do not keep a check on them, they might get damaged completely. To avoid destroying them, bring these to us and we will definitely please you.
Our skilled and trained team with excellent experience in this field provides all restoring services for your beautiful carpets and rugs. Any damage, smell, stain, patching and looseness is all maintained by us at really affordable rates. We are here in Hong Kong to provide you all restoration services.
CALL US + 85 2 9010 8676, Tel 23355777
SKYPE umarhayathk
WHATSAPP 9010 8676
Website www.UmarCarpets.HK
Carpet Restore
Reviewed by CarpetCleaningreview

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